Transition Your Business Ownership with Ease

Daily operations are severely impacted when integral leaders leave a business. Without a plan for when a leader retires, leaves, or passes away, your business is vulnerable to unnecessary losses.

A business succession plan mitigates losses, disruptions, and costs during the transition period. They designate who takes over the business, how the transition period looks, how assets are divided, and whether the business is sold or gifted.

These matters are complicated, and each business has its own unique considerations. The Soares Law Firm can draft you a business succession plan that handles your affairs exactly how you need them.

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Emergency vs. Long-Term Business Succession Plans

Emergency Succession Plans

When a business faces an unexpected change in ownership, such as when the owner leaves, retires, or passes away, it can experience financial loss and disruptions to operations.

An emergency succession plan provides clarity on how to handle the transition of ownership during this time.

These matters are legally complex, but Soares Law Firm is here to ensure that your business continues without disruption.

Long-Term Succession Plans

Long-term succession plans proactively plan for the transition of ownership, such as preparing key employees to take over and what procedures employees and family members of the owner should follow.

There are many important decisions to consider, and the Soares Law Firm is here for your business every step of the way. We formulate the right plan to save your business from a tumultuous transition.

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Succession Planning for Business Owners

There are several business succession plans, so you can choose the one that best aligns with your unique circumstances and business goals.

Buy-Sell Agreements in Dallas, TX

Buy-sell agreements outline the terms that allow ownership shares or interests to be bought or sold when an owner retires, leaves, or passes away.

Family Succession Plans in Dallas, TX

If you want a family member to inherit the business, a family succession plan can transfer business ownership and control to them over time. By slowing transitioning, you can bypass probate and minimize tax liabilities.

Key Employee Succession Plans in Dallas, TX

When a company's current owner leaves, a key employee succession plan trains top talent to step into leadership roles.

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Book Your Legacy Planning Session

Each business is unique, so your succession plan should reflect those circumstances and goals. Keep operations running smoothly by preparing early.The Soares Law Firm takes the time to understand your needs to give you succession plans that transfer ownership without any costly losses.

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