Provide For Your Child After You’re Gone

If you have a child with special needs, you already know how important it is to preserve the care they receive. Special needs estate planning ensures their care is intact, even after you’re gone.

At the Soares Law Firm, we listen to your unique needs and structure your or your child’s estate to provide for them without jeopardizing their access to government benefits.

Create the estate plan that’s right for your family with the special needs trust attorney at Soares Law Firm.

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First-Party Special Needs Trust

If your child has their own assets, a first-party trust can protect their estate while preserving their access to government funding. These trusts are established by a parent, grandparent, or guardian but are funded with the child’s assets.

Your child uses this trust throughout their lifetime and remains eligible for government assistance like SSI and Medicaid. These matters can be complex, but the Soares Law Firm walks you through the whole process.

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Third-Party Special Needs Trust

If you want to leave assets to your child with special needs, we can help you with a third-party trust. These trusts are created and funded by a third party, which is typically the parents, grandparents, or a close loved one of the child.

Since your child would be the beneficiary of the trust, they can still use government benefits while receiving the assets you left them.

Soares Law Firm sets up your trust exactly how you need it to ensure your child gets the care they need.

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Pooled Trust

Pooled trusts diversify your estate investment portfolio for your child with special needs. These trusts are managed by charities, so beneficiaries pool resources together to invest.

Pooled trusts regularly deal with benefit changes, so you gain access to professional trustees who understand your situation.

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Book Your Legacy Planning Session

Setting up your estate where you still receive essential benefits is complex. That’s why Soares Law Firm takes the time to understand your situation to set you up for success.When applying for government programs, including a special needs trust with your application can ensure your child has all the support they need.

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