Transfer Your Business Smoothly with a Succession Plan

At some point, integral leaders are no longer part of a company, whether they leave, retire, or pass away. When this happens, daily operations can quickly become disorganized without a plan in place.

A business succession plan ensures things transition smoothly whenever a leader leaves a company, so your business minimizes risks, disruptions, and costs associated with the loss.

Typically, these plans outline who will take over the business, what the transition period looks like, how assets will be divided, and whether the business should be sold or gifted.

The Soares Law Firm knows these matters can be legally complicated, so we take the time to understand your business’s needs and carry out your plans.

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Emergency vs. Long-Term Business Succession

Emergency Succession Plans

Unfortunately, businesses face sudden, unexpected changes in ownership, such as when an owner passes away. This can cause a panic that negatively impacts the business.

To mitigate losses, a business can enact an emergency business succession plan, which transfers the legal ownership and interim measures to someone else.

The Soares Law Firm is ready to step in while your business develops longer-term plans so you keep operations running smoothly.

Long-Term Succession Plans

Long-term plans prepare for the eventual transition of ownership. With so many important decisions to consider, you need a knowledgeable attorney who understands your needs.

With Soares Law Firm, we help you establish a plan early to save your business from a tumultuous transition.

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Business Succession Planning for Business Owners

Most business succession plans fall into three categories.

Buy-Sell Agreements in Tyler, TX

With a buy-sell agreement, you outline the terms where ownership shares or interests can be bought or sold when an owner retires, passes away, or leaves.

Family Succession Plans in Tyler, TX

A family succession plan transfers business ownership and control over time to a family member of the business owner. This slow transition can bypass probate and minimize tax liabilities.

Key Employee Succession Plans

With key employee plans, top talent is sought out and prepared to assume leadership roles when the current owner is no longer with the company.

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Book Your Legacy Planning Session

Your business has its own unique circumstances and goals. Don’t stifle your success by being unprepared. The Soares Law Firm crafts the perfect succession plan, so you successfully transfer ownership without costly losses.

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